Product Updates New Service: Hosted Virtual Annual General Meetings As we enter another week of social and physical distancing measures, the world continues to adapt to life during the pandemic of COVID-19. We are glad most condos have heeded
Case Study Case Study: Passing a Declaration Amendment Learn how partnering with GetQuorum allowed a Property Manager to streamline successfully make an amendment to a declaration.
Stories GetQuorum 2019 Year in Review Get an in-depth look at the biggest GetQuorum updates and events from 2019.
Stories 2018 Year in Review and What's Coming Up in 2019 Hello and Happy New Year! Now that we're getting settled into 2019, we wanted to share our thoughts on 2018 as well as some trends we are monitoring for 2019.
condo Electronic Ballots and Proxies - the different ways to vote online and what condos should be aware of The amendments to the Condominium Act (the Act) have material changes to the way condo owners cast their votes at owner meetings. First, there has been a wholesale change in
maintenace fee How are your condo maintenance fees calculated? Originally posted on Medium. Note that this post is for informational purposes only and may not reflect your condo. First-time condo buyers and even long time owners are often confused