How to Choose an Electronic Voting Solution

Electronic voting platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years. From quicker ballot tabulation and improved efficiency to enhanced security, it's understandable why many organizations are adopting electronic voting, especially for governance meetings, such as Annual General Meetings (AGMs).

However, with so many electronic voting platforms on the market, choosing the right one for your upcoming meeting can be a challenge. With that said, here are some key factors to consider when selecting an electronic voting solution.


Security should be your top priority when choosing an electronic voting platform. You should always select a voting platform that's well-equipped with advanced security features, such as token-based voter authentication and SSL-encrypted links, to ensure that voting data is transparent, auditable and secure to help prevent potential voter fraud or ballot tampering.

User-Friendly Experience

An electronic voting platform should be easy to use for all voters. When choosing an electronic voting solution, look for a platform that has a simple, intuitive interface that allows voters to cast votes with ease, regardless of their technical expertise.

Dynamic and Customizable

Every organization is unique, and often times their voting requirements are no exception. From the need to accept and account for proxy votes submitted by voters before the meeting to recognizing varying voter eligibility, selecting a dynamic voting solution that can be tailored to your organization's unique voting requirements is essential.

Reporting and Analytics

The voting platform should provide comprehensive reporting and analytics to help you track the voting results and gain insight into key metrics. Look for a platform that allows you to access and export audible data, such as voting results, in real time.

Technical Support

Technical difficulties are bound to arise from time to time. However, failing to resolve technical issues promptly when using an electronic voting platform can negatively impact the voter experience and hinder the ability to execute an election. That is why you should opt for a voting solution that provides comprehensive technical support to ensure that any technical issues are quickly resolved if they arise.

Ready to utilize electronic voting at your next meeting?

If you'd like to learn more about how electronic voting and our other solutions can help you run more successful governance meetings, click here.

If you'd like to use electronic voting at your upcoming meeting, get in touch with our team!