The GetQuorum electronic proxy system has made the lives of thousands of our clients better come AGM time, but we also know that paper proxies are still a thing, especially for some of your owners or members who aren't comfortable with using technology just yet.
That's why GetQuorum is excited to announce the release of our new Paper Proxy tool. Integrated into the GetQuorum Dashboard, our new Paper Proxy tool allows you to digitize and upload paper proxies directly into the GetQuorum platform.
Once uploaded, paper proxies will be able to be included in the automatic tallying and revocations our system affords to e-proxies, significantly reducing inefficiencies and potential errors normally associated with the tabulation of paper proxy votes. And overall, makes the process of recording, scrutinizing, and summarizing these votes easier than ever before.
How does it work?
Upon receiving a paper proxy, you can upload it seamlessly through the Paper Proxy tool. This tool can be accessed through the Membership page of your GetQuorum Dashboard; from there, you will be able to enter the proxy data via a few simple steps:
Step 1: Log into your Dashboard and find the member that gave you the paper proxy.
Step 2. Click on the “Add Proxy” button
Step 3: Complete a few questions and you’re done! See, super quick and easy.
Note: You can also optionally upload a copy of the paper proxy for record keeping purposes.
See the tool in action below:

How does this impact your meeting?
The ability to digitize and upload paper proxies directly into the GetQuorum Dashboard will help reduce meeting results scrutinization time and enhance security, enabling our clients to run quicker, more efficient meetings while upholding the legitimacy of results.
If you have any questions about the Paper Proxy tool, please reach out to us today.